Having a positive mind and a more positive outlook is said to improve the quality of life. The mind plays a vital role in our overall wellbeing. In our courses we look at how to strengthen the mind muscles to improve our very special power of focus.
In our courses, we set out to prove the theory that positive thoughts + positive feelings = positive results. When this theory has been proven, and we see the daily techniques benefiting our state of mind, everything falls into place.
It is believed that the mind cannot tell the difference between something that has happened or something that has been imagined. With this in mind, we can practise being in uncomfortable situations in our mind before the actual event. This is like a rehearsal for the mind before doing it for real and a chance to overcome any fears or worries.
The power of positive thinking has been supported in medical journals and was recognised by the Greek philosopher, Plato as far back as 391BC.
Our aim is to help children become more emotionally aware. Emotional literacy is the ability to recognise, understand and manage our own emotions as well as those of others.
There is plenty of research that shows how important an emotional education is, some experts say it is even more important than an academic education.
Experts believe that mental health, physical health, and life satisfaction are all linked to having high emotional intelligence.
Experts say there is evidence to prove that emotional intelligence and depression are strongly related in adults.
Other experts believe that emotional intelligence sets apart those top star performers in the workplace from the mediocre ones. This can also be seen in children. Those children with an awareness and understanding of their emotions are the ones who perform better academically. They are better able to pay attention, are more engaged, have more positive relationships and are more socially confident. Click here to explore our courses
The ancient Greeks believed a person’s health was affected by where they lived, their social class, their diet, any trauma they experienced, their beliefs, and mindset.
“There was significant focus on the beliefs and mindset of the patient in the diagnosis and treatment theories. It was recognised that the mind played a role in healing, or that it might also be the sole basis for the illness.” Ancient Greek medicine – Wikipedia
One of the many things that makes our courses unique, is movement to music element. Our courses teach The Science of Positive Thinking to children. There is scientific evidence to show that movement can reduce anxiety. Studies show that the connection between the brain and the body is a “two-way street” and that means movement can change your brain, too!
Our feelings can influence our movement, and our movement can impact our feelings. For example, when you feel tired and sad, you may move slowly. When you feel anxious, you may either rush around or become completely paralysed.
Look out for our competition, The Big Experiment. This is all about taking notice! Find us at local events and get involved to help us prove the Scientific theory that positive thoughts + positive feelings = positive results.